Active Reading And Writing 5
publisher: New Horizon
Pages: 84
Units: 12
ISBN: 978-977-444-013-7
• Is a series of 7 books designed to actively increase student's reading and writing abilities. • The series deals with contemporary subject-matter, introduces new vocabulary and tests comprehension of a short passage through listening, reading and writing questioning.
• Poetry is used to reinforce the lessons, through association to subject matter, along with pictorial combinations to encourage students to cognitively process what they see into word format.
• The series also provides original and exciting passages from real life to students.
• Activities range from word study, retrieval charts and short answer questions, to cause and effect, point of view and challenging writing tasks.
• Skills introduced and covered include oral reading, comprehension, research, word study, key words, reading, main idea sequencing, brainstorming, inferring, summarizing, fact or opinion and silent reading.
- Student's Book
- Teacher's Book
- Smart Board Inter-Active CD